Barasti Beach
United Arab Emirates
0.0 out of 5 stars (based on 0 reviews)
This private but free beach is located near the Westin Hotel and Mina Seyahi.
Festive and lively, the beach and the bar are frequented by the English masculine attracted by the live broadcast of football matches and all kinds of important sporting events on a giant screen.
The Barasti opens in the morning until very late in the evening because once the night falls, the beach turns into an open-air dancefloor.
The beach consists of a swimming pool, a beach, two bars, a lounge in shisha and a restaurant.
Admission will be free for all those who show up in a bathing suit, otherwise the price is set at 100aed and allows you to enjoy an unlimited selection of drinks.
Tour Amenities
Live Music
Swimming Pool
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